Joesph Blatter. Commonly known as Sepp, even more commonly known as a lying corrupt blight on the world game. Now when Sepp was elected again this past week for another term as president of FIFA I didn’t bat an eyelid. I mean he was running unopposed. But when I heard on the way home from work that the FFA had voted for him I nearly ran off the road. How could we support the bloke and the regime that basically screwed us out of any legitimate shot at hosting the world cup?
It came to light that there were “improper payments” in awarding the world cup to Qatar for 2022 and what does big Sepp do? Take the cup off them or call for a re-vote? No. He suspends the Qatari delegate who just happens to be the one guy running against Sepp in the elections. Oh how convenient.
But as I hinted, this is nothing but the norm for FIFA and I was not surprised. But as far as the FFA go I was not only surprised, I was angry. The English FA abstained from voting to make a stand and say enough is enough. Sixteen other federations abstained also and yet Ben Buckley and the FAA are still sucking up to FIFA. What are they afraid of? Sure they will likely make us pay in some form or another down the track but if we’re honest they don’t exactly do us many favours anyway. We’re Australians and we’d rather stand up for what is right. We ran a fair race to get the world cup and were beaten by a country that appears to have paid off top officials. Surely we should have made a stand against this, the Australian fans deserve at least that much.
So with all this in mind maybe it is time for some changes at the FFA. Although on second thoughts, I am likely not the best person to listen to, due to my growing frustration with the game in general. My beloved Newcastle United look destined for years of mid table mediocrity, it doesn’t look like the Melbourne Heart are taking me to Asia anytime soon and now the FFA have shown they are little more than one of FIFA’s b@#ches. All of this adds up to one very disillusioned fan of the round ball game.
Screw it all, I’m off to watch some Faustino Asprilla highlights on youtube over a scotch or ten.
Follow me on twitter @Mal68au
Sepp is a disgrace. FIFA are a disgrace. The thing that disgusts me about football (soccer to others) is that too many games are decided with cheating (not so much british games or northern european games, but those southern european games)